Periodontal disease destroys the tissues supporting the teeth, as alveolar bone, toothdifference, loosening of teeth. Periodontal disease is a very common disease of the oral region. This disease iscommon in middle-aged, older people and is one of the most common cause of toothloss in adults
The symptoms of periodontal disease
1. Bleeding gums when brushing.
2. Red swollen gums, bleed easily.
3. Dental tartar closed at the neck.
4. Breath.
5. Press in the gum that flows out of latex.
6. Unusual feeling when chewed.
7. Loose teeth.
8. Move the teeth and sparse.
Stages of periodontal disease
Inflamed gums
Your gums started swelling and redness and may bleed when brushingteeth or taking out food between teeth by flossing. Plaque and tartar can play at the gum line class, but the drive is still strong bones and teeth keep the razor away things irritategum tissue will recover back to its original state
Periodontal inflammation
In this stage, the gums start out that long, hard tooth decay,periodontal pus pocket formation and, sometimes, the gums separate from the teethaway. Plaque contains bacteria will spread into periodontal pus pocket, making the tooth surface to keep clean and disease control becomes more difficult
Severe periodontitis
In advanced stages of disease, periodontal pus pocket deep andwill continue to lead to alveolar bone. In addition, bacteria that live in the periodontal puspocket will become more harmful as the disease progresses and gets worse. If untreated, eventually the teeth will become loose and fall out
If periodontal disease is diagnosed in the early stages of gingivitis, the disease can be treated with cleaning tips. If the disease has progressed through a period of gingivitis tosevere periodontal inflammation stage, the treatment will involve a process called"original smooth shave that" this procedure involves cleaning and plaque smooth rootsurface dental tartar to scrape away the layers and types of bacterial plaque below thegum line around the gums to heal wounded. This procedure can be done several times,depending on the severity of your periodontal disease
Cases of periodontal disease were at advanced stages, when the periodontal puspocket was deep between teeth and gums, have the dentist surgery to completely cleanthe teeth and remove periodontal pus pocket. When lack of gum, will proceed gumgrafting procedure. In some cases of periodontal disease, the gums and bone that waspartially damaged, they will use certain surgical techniques to support the regenerationof these tissues.